As we gear up for Frisco Farm's 15th produce season, we have a couple updates to share.
Silver City Produce
This season, the Silver City Food Co-op will be our primary produce outlet in Silver City. Today we did our first harvest and tomorrow will bring the order to the Food Co-op.
Growing everything out in the field and getting frosts in our valley well into May, it can feel like we get a late start on the produce season. Harvests are heavy on greens for a month or so- lots of lettuce, spinach, kale, radish, salad turnip and bok choy, but more variety will soon follow. Keep an eye out at the Co-op, they are good about labeling the produce with the name of the supplier. Sometimes bagged greens are put in a refrigerator over by the bulk herb aisle.
The Co-op really does a good job at paying farmers a fair price while keeping the retail price as low as they can. Their commitment to supporting local produce is a very important service to our community. Thank you Co-op!
Frisco Farm Stand
We are very excited to open our new onsite Farmstand here in Pleasanton!
The Farmstand will open on May 17th and be open every Friday thereafter from 9-4!
Again, the early season is a lot of greens, but by summer and fall, we will have a wide variety of fresh produce, garlic braids, ristras, bulk storage crops and other exciting things!
We will keep this website well-updated with a list of available produce each week once the Farmstand opens.
The Frisco Farmstand is located at 5 Summer Drive in Pleasanton, NM (4 miles south of Glenwood). About half way between mile markers 54 & 55, turn west off of 180 onto a dirt driveway next to a red mailbox.
Thank you for your continued support of small scale local agriculture!