There is bad news and good news.
The bad news is that this year, again, we will have limited produce for sale as we continue to work on our infrastructural projects on the property.
The good news is twofold: We will still grow some food and will continue the email list. Sometime in early/mid May we should start harvesting some greens, radishes, etc.
This one we are super excited about:
One of our infrastructural projects is an on-site Farmstand! When it is ready (enough), the local produce pickup will move from Gary and Kristin's house to the Farmstand. We will likely continue the email order list, but people will also be able to stop on the produce day(s), see what is available and buy food from the stand. We are very excited to see how it takes shape and evolves- we love the idea of providing more food to the community.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

Kyle and Meggie